Costa del Sol property, some great apartments for sale

Diana Morales DM Properties
1 minutes to read

Over the past few months we have had a large number of enquiries and clients looking for properties which are priced competitively and above all realistically in the current market.

As we have mentioned before a property must not been looked at now, in terms of speculation and how much profit one could make from its sale on a short term period, but more as a medium to long term investment, after having lived in the property and enjoyed it to its fullest.

A couple of months ago we launched a new section on our web site called “Best Opportunities” dedicated to properties whose prices have been reduced and/or are priced competitively. Bearing in mind most of our recent enquiries have been for apartments along the Costa del Sol, we would like to highlight some of our listed apartments below, which we feel should be highly considered because of their price and location.

Diana Morales, 30 Jul 2009 - Property

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