The importance of Photography in Real Estate

Diana Morales DM Properties
1 minutes to read

The 18th and 19th of December, a photography course (funded by the Government Employment Public Service and co-funded by the European Social Fund) taught by renowned photographer Wayne Chasan took place at the offices of our colleagues at Re/Max Eralia who had organized it. The course concentrated on digital photography and the treatment of images with Photoshop.

Wayne Chasan explained, during two days, in a very interesting manner, some of the “tricks” to get the most out of your camera and photos, with an emphasis of course on real estate photography. Subjects such as lighting, “mise-en-scene”, wide angle lenses, framing, and image postproduction in Photoshop, were explained.

At Diana Morales Properties we have always given great importance to photography for the presentation of our properties. A property owner may not always want to use the services of a professional photographer, although it is something we highly recommend, and therefore it is important to be prepared and to be able to present the property in its best possible light whenever there is not a photography professional involved.

Diana Morales, 23 Dec 2008 - News

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