EREN celebrate 10th anniversary

Pia Arrieta DM Properties
2 minutes to read

This year EREN, the European Real Estate Network, marked the tenth anniversary of its founding. This milestone was celebrated at the organisation’s annual meeting, which took place in Berlin in October.

EREN celebrate 10th anniversary in Berlin

The occasion offers an opportunity for the members to convene in person, build on longstanding business relationships and keep one another up to date on the state of their respective markets. In this way the latest developments in the luxury real estate segment are reviewed, along with the latest technologies and market trends. This information forms an important part in the drive to maintain and indeed continue to improve not only the service offered to the agents’ clients, but also to keep building on existing knowledge and professional expertise.

Formed by leading luxury real estate specialists such as DM Properties from across Europe, EREN has over the years earned respect as a leading international property network, and gone on to take a leading role in its ongoing drive to raise professional standards within the sector.

This undertaking was re-emphasised during the annual EREN conference in Berlin, when the European members of the organisation were joined by fellow experts from the USA. Together they looked at future developments and realities within their branch, as well as taking the opportunity to familiarise themselves up close with one of the most dynamic real estate markets in Europe. Berlin has a residential, commercial and retail market that has great future potential, and local EREN member Mr. Thomas Zabel of Berlin Capital Investments was not only a gracious host, but also provided those assembled with detailed information about the luxury real estate market in the German capital.

Part of this process was a special focus on the groundbreaking Living Levels residential project that is being developed on the banks of the River Spree. Designed as a high level living environment for an international clientele, the complex takes style, service and modern technology to new heights. Also on the agenda were the future expansion of the European Real Estate Network, and the impending appointment of a dedicated senior executive who will lead the process. Watch this space for more information on that appointment as EREN continues to evolve into a more and more important international luxury real estate network – and one that DM Properties is proud to be a founding member of.

Pia Arrieta, 05 Nov 2014 - News

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